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Showing posts from August, 2023

Rainbow (A poem about seeing the upside of things)

Rainbow April 24th, 2004 Chorus: Our life is a rainbow if we let it be. A colorful show, happy and free There's a color everyday and at every crossroad. I still don't know what to say when I think about the waves. Bridge: At the end of every rainbow, somewhere there's a pot of gold. And it will show, if you do as your instincts have told. Chorus x1 Bridge x1 Chorus x3

A Hopeless Guy (Poetry about the Intrusive Voice in your Head)

A Hopeless Guy March 18th, 2004

One of a Kind (2004)

One of a Kind May 28th, 2004

You are my Heartbreak (Love & Confusion)

You Are My Heartbreak June 11th, 2003 You know what you mean to me. You know the truth when it's seen. Why did you leave me here alone? Why did you see the need to be gone? Why aren't you  here with me... Where you need to be? My life is nothing without you. I can't help it, you are the virtue. You are my heart and soul. You are apart of me. I love you, can't you see? I'm right for you and you're right for me... 

Wish It Didn't Matter (A poem about not knowing where you stand)

Wish It Didn't Matter March 23rd, 2004

Non-understandable (A poem about teenage boys)

Non-understandable April 28th, 2004 Chorus: Boys are so complicated, never understand what they say. Feels like I've been jaded - every day. They can't come out and tell you what they mean. They can't say it right.  They aren't exactly what they seem. They only wanna fight. (( Chorus x1 )) They give you mixed messages; they're always inconsistent.  They should be put in c@ges,* because you never know their intent.  (( Chorus x1)) They don't give a shit if you don't wanna drink alchohol. They only wanna kiss and control.  (( Chorus x3 ))

Later Days ((LYRICS))

Later Days! April 2nd, 2004

Time (poetry)

Time April 2nd, 2004 Runnin' outta time, gonna lose my mind. You were mine, and you used to be kind. We're runnin' outta time...


Rainy Day April 2nd, 2004 Walking in the rain, towards the waterfall. Nothing's been the same, nothing at all. You told me we'd never be apart, because we were one.  Then you broke my heart, and now I'm crying with no Sun. I thought you loved me, I thought you cared. Now I see... that you lied and were never fair.


 You April 2nd, 2004 Waling through a field of gold. Thinking about you. Should've done what my instincts told, now I don't know what to do. To me, silver & gold he gave - but I wanted more.  I didn't want anything save that you'd walk back through the door.

Same Old Is Told

 Same Old Is Told August 5th, 2003 Walking down the street, same old - same old. Everyone I meet is told - is told. Nobody knows what I've gone through. No one even cares.  Out of all my friends, only a few are there. Walking down the street, same old - same old. Everyone I meet is told - is told.  You're gone from my life, you're gone - you're gone... You thought my heart'd been stabbed with a kn*fe, but you're wrong, so wrong. Walking down the street, same old - same old. Everyone I meet is told - is told. All you ever did was drink beer, all you did was leave and roam. Don't you ever come back here, and don't think of this as home. Walking down the street, same old - same old. Everyone I meet is told - is told. 

Alone (March 19th, 2004)

 Alone By Alanda McRae. Walking down the street no one seems to care. Everyone I meet soon disappears.  I hope they never come back - not into my life.  With the way that they act, they don't deserve to share my strife. They'll leave me alone, unless I say otherwise. I just want to go home, where I can be alone  and cry...

"MARY, MARY" By Alanda M.

"Mary, Mary, Quite contrary" Is what they all would say.  It'd end up giving me a very, Very Bad Day! They teased & picked,  Were never nice.  One day a guy got me ticked,  And he expected ME to pay the price! I told him to screw off; I'd better things to do with my time! He invited me to his loft,  And I said I had to get back to mine... Next day at school,  They were nice to me... Turns out they thought I was cool.  You do the same and they will, you'll see...